Your choice of a good niche product will determine how much money you will make from your generated original articles. When selecting a target niche market is important and you will build from a foundation of the right selected keywords that your visitors will be looking for on the search engines.
Create one article page for each keyword and you will attract a wide range of visitors who are interested in the specific subject in the niche. Others may find interest in the subject and return to your page to learn more about the subject of your niche.
Use a keyword software program such as 'Wordtracker' to find keywords for the niche subject you are presenting. The software will list many choices to use in the subject of your niche article. It will generate a list of keywords or phrases and give you a number of people who have searched on these specific words or phrases. Some of the software programs will list the competing sites an show the number of searches.
This information will help you decide which of the words or phrases will be more profitable to use in your article and give your site to list in the top part of the search engines.
Do not worry about being perfect on your first articles. Pick out a niche you are familiar with and start writing. It will take some research and practice of writing good articles. Anyone can learn how to generate good content articles and like the Olympic champion you need to write as many articles you can, practice, practice and more practice. If you run out of ideas on a niche market then chose another one and write articles on them. A variety of niche sites will help increase your income.
Hang in there. Just do it.
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